Drug Conviction May Affect Federal Student Aid Eligibility

Filed under: Drug Crimes by Contributor @ June 13, 2013

Many college and graduate students receive federal student aid in the form of grants, loans, and work study to help pay for their education. But did you know that a drug conviction might affect your eligibility to receive student aid? If you have been convicted for the possession or sale of illegal drugs for an offense that occurred while you were receiving federal student aid, you may be ineligible to receive aid in the future. It is important to note that offenses that occurred at a time other than when you were receiving student aid do not affect your eligibility.

Fortunately, you will not be ineligible indefinitely as a result of one or more of these drug convictions. Eligibility is only suspended for one year after a drug possession conviction and for two years after multiple drug possession convictions or any number of drug selling convictions. If you would like to become eligible earlier than these dates, there are ways to do that as well. If you complete an approved drug rehabilitation program or pass two random drug tests, you can regain eligibility early. Here is the link to read more about federal student aid and drug convictions.

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